Terrorists have suddenly become very active in the country. A bomb blast killing five yesterday in KP, fourteen soldiers killed in Baluchistan yesterday and an attack by nine terrorists on the PAF base in Mianwalli: the question arises, why? One can't help suspecting the Afghans, as so many of them have been expelled from the country and they may have reacted.

After every such attack, our leaders proclaim that the perpetrators will be brought to justice. But nothing happens. Politicians praise the armed forces and the police for foiling such attacks, but no arrests are made. If our institutions were really that effective they would have prior intelligence and nab the perpetrators before any damage is done.

It seems that we shall always be on the defensive. Elections are due in February, and our enemies will do everything in their power to inflict the maximum damage. But besides external agencies like RAW we can't do anything to prevent them.