I wonder how future historians of the country will view Pakistan in these crisis-ridden times. I assume, of course, that there will be a future, which is doubtful, considering that the Dear Leader Imran Khan has so far succeeded only in exacerbating the Covid-19 
Perhaps they will write about the dithering Chief Executive of the country going around in public without wearing a mask and constantly saying that he was against a lockdown from the start. They will note that he frequently spoke about turning the country into a welfare state without doing anything about it. They will be amazed that he told people to take all precautions (like wearing masks), and then immediately announced the reopening of tourism in areas where there are virtually no healthcare facilities. They will write about how, despite knowing that this lethal virus had the potential to strike in crowded places, he allowed the opening of mosques, malls and markets.

Historians will mark how, instead of concrete steps to help the very poor of the country, his government announced a package to help the builders’ mafia, a package that would simply restart speculation in a sector where seven trillion rupees of black money is stocked, simply because powerful men in the this business are among his staunch supporters.

Perhaps they will also note that his government succumbed to the religious bigots who have proclaimed that this entire Corona thing is a hoax to enrich pharmaceutical companies, and that if a vaccine is developed, it will contain a very small microchip that will turn Muslims away from their religion. And so, despite being told by healthcare professionals not to open mosques, his government did so, just to pacify the religious lobby.

They will be amazed that in the twenty first century, his government did nothing to promote the teaching of science in schools, with the result that illiterate scholars freely taught children in seminaries that the earth is flat and stationery while the sun goes around it once in twenty four hours. But then, they will also find that the Oxford-educated prime minister himself proclaimed that Chinese trains run at the speed of light and Germany and Japan share a common border.

They will write about the controversy arising every year at the time of sighting of the moon and people in some places claiming to have seen the moon even though astronomical calculations predicted that it could not be there. They will wonder why the people tolerated a group of illiterate clerics wasting millions every month scanning the heavens to look for the moon (when the science to determine the time, date and place of sighting the moon had been available for more than a thousand years). And they will see people (under the influence of these same illiterate and bigoted clerics) waste money on quacks and spiritualists to make their wives bear male children. 

They will then conclude that the terrible condition of the country was due to lack of education (particularly scientific education) among its leaders and the people.